Kim’s Contract with Saint: No More Family Secrets!

Kim’s Contract with Saint: No More Family Secrets!

Hey everyone! Today’s blog post is allā£ aboutā¤ Kim Kardashian’s recent contract with her son Saint,ā€‹ which puts an end toā€Œ all the family secrets onā€Œ social media. In a YouTube video titled "Kim’s Contract with Saint: No ā£More Family Secrets!", Kim shares the guidelines she set for her 8-year-old before he started his own YouTube channel. From watching every videoā€Œ before ā€‹it goes live to not sharing ā¤personal information about the family, Saint’s channel ā€ "the goat Saint" is gaining thousands of ā€‹subscribers ā€by the hour. Let’s dive ā¤into the details and see if Saint holds up his end of the bargain! Stay tunedā¤ for more ā¤juicy ā€Œupdates. Peace out! ā€Œ

Kim ā€‹has laid outā€ some clear expectations and restrictions for Saint’s YouTube channel, ensuring that ā£the ā¢content remains in line with herā£ guidelines.ā¢ These guidelines are designed to maintain the channel’s authenticity and protect the privacy of their family.

By monitoring and encouraging future growth for Saint’s channel, Kim is demonstrating her commitment to his success.ā€‹ She wants to see ā€Œhim thrive independentlyā€ while also stayingā¤ motivated to create content that resonates with his audience.


Q: What is the topic of the YouTube video “Kim’sā¢ Contract with Saint: No ā€ŒMore Family Secrets!”?
A: ā€The video discusses Kim ā¤Kardashianā£ sharingā¤ the contract she made ā€Œher son, Saint, sign before starting his YouTube channel.

Q: What guidelines does Saintā¢ have to followā£ according to the contract?
A: According toā£ the contract, Saintā£ has to watch every videoā¤ before it goes online,ā€Œ not ā€‹film his ā€sister North while she’s making music, and avoid sharing personal information aboutā£ the ā€Œfamily.

Q: What kind of content can ā¤viewers expect to see on Saint’s YouTube channel?
A: So far, viewers can expect video game ā£streams and arcade ā¢game winnings on Saint’s ā€‹channel titled “the goat Saint.”

Q: ā¤How has Saint’s YouTube channel been performing so far?
A: Saint’s channel ā¤has already gained thousands of subscribers andā€‹ continues to grow by the ā€hour.

Q: What message does Kim Kardashian share in the video regardingā€ motivation and hard work?
A: Kim ā€Œhopes that Saint and others find their own motivation and work hard ā€to pursue their goals in life. Thanks for tuning ā£in to ā€‹today’s video discussing ā€Kim’s contract with Saint on his YouTube channel. It’s great to ā£see Kim empowering her son to pursue hisā£ passions while also settingā€Œ boundaries to protectā¤ their family’s privacy. It’s a reminderā€ that even inā€‹ the world of social media, it’s important to respect personal boundariesā€‹ and stay true ā€Œto yourself. We hope that Saint continues to grow hisā¤ channel and find success while staying true to the values set out in the contract. Remember, no matter what path youā¢ choose ā€in life, work hard and stay true ā¤toā¤ yourself. Until next time, peace out!

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About the Author: infinityxxx